I put an article on Ehow a while ago about how you could 'Print a Comic Book or Doujinshi Cheap.' We'd used Docucopies for printing. They are a photocopy company, not a comic printer, but provided a very economic solution for us.
We were happy with the doujinshi we'd published with them, so we proceeded with our next small run project, a yaoi coloring book. This morning they sent this email:
"Because of the nudity of this file we are unable to print this for you. The order before this one should not have been printed but did slide by without us looking through the entire book."
It doesn't pay for us to throw tantrums over things like this. However, I feel they've made a mistake. The coloring book is 16+. There are side views of nude characters, but naughty bits are not visible. There are no sex scenes, but some images are suggestive that sex is coming. It didn't even cross my mind that a printer might not agree to print it. I called and told them that the characters are all male. I think they might think the characters are female and we're showing bare breasts.
At any rate, here are what I see as the most 'extreme' images of the coloring book we sent them:
Update: This is the email I sent Docucopies:
Hello Lynn,
"I just wanted to follow up on the phone call. As I said, we formatted the coloring book with margins, even on the cover, so it could be printed by Docucopies and we could save money on it. At this point it would cost more money than the book is worth to reformat it for another printer. The coloring book would of course look better with full bleeds. We formatted it without them specifically so they could be printed with you.
It doesn't matter which pictures are inside the coloring book. We have hundreds to choose from. If you tell me which pictures are going too far I can swap them out for new ones. Please remember that the characters depicted are all male. They look pretty because this is a genre from Japan that's targeting female readers.
If I had been put on notice with the last comic book I sent you guys I would have known better than to keep sending projects like this your way."
Their response:
"Hi Yamila -
There are a number of page that I find disturbing and do not want to put our employees in the same position printing this book for you. Some of the pages are 5, 6, 23, 24, 28, 29. I am sorry but we will not print this book.
I'm extremely annoyed now. They don't want to work with me, even when I explained what a bad position they're putting us in. There is nothing in their TOS that says they won't accept risque material.
But what really makes me angry is this:
This is page 23 one of the images they found "disturbing." If you were me, what would you think?
I'm disgusted with you Docucopies.