Heat Virus: Stranded With Her Stepbrother
Check out the new Sci-Fi Erotica Ebook by Yaoimila“You kept putting on that sexy bratty little sister act while running around the pool in your tiny bikini. You kept teasing me, making me ache for you more and more every day.”
How did she get stranded on a steamy uninhabited planet with her wolf of an older stepbrother?
Julie and Jerald can’t leave planet Marvelly until the fuel ship comes on Monday. She never wanted to come to the dirtball camping planet, but her mom and stepdad think it’s a great place for them to build a new vacation house—especially now, when prices on the planet have plummeted. Jerald knows that the price drop is due to a new ‘heat virus’ that infects the unwary.
And it sure is hot on the planet’s surface.
Julie feels it fine to go around in her tiny camisole due to the heat. She doesn’t care if it makes Jerald crabby and frustrated. She’s having a blast swimming with little clothes on while he does the land survey.
Everything is fine until she starts to feel a strange heat deep inside her…
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Julie braced herself to enter the atmosphere of planet Marvelly. She felt a hard bump, followed by a buoying that made her feel like her stomach flipped upside-down. The artificial gravity switched off after two seconds of overlap with Marvelly’s gravitational pull. She felt like an elephant sat on her right when she needed to level off the cruiser in Marvelly’s sky.
“When the fuck is this going to get easier?” she muttered to herself.
It was only a short jaunt further before she saw her older step-brother’s sleek sparkling craft parked next to an archaic fueling station. As she lowered her craft he came into view. The 28-year-old wore an unbuttoned white shirt that showed off the definition in his chest. His overgrown black hair had silky waves that framed a stupidly handsome face. Julie scoffed and turned away from him.
When the hatch of her ship opened she was hit with a wall of dense heat. Her face soured.
“Ew! This sucks!”
“Yeah,” Jerald said from where he waited just a few steps beside her ship, “It’s a fucking devil’s kitchen.” She realized the sultry waves in his hair had formed from the humidity.
Julie exited on high-heeled boots that never should have been worn on the unlevel craggy grass in the clearing. She pulled off her sweater and tossed it back into the ship. The camisole beneath it was normally too revealing to wear in public, but the heat gave her a good excuse to tease Jerald with some cleavage.
She tapped the side of her ship and fluttered her eyelashes. “Can you fill me up?” she said to him. Her long chestnut hair was already starting to feel heavy with moisture.
Jerald gave an annoyed growl that was far too severe to be in response to her shenanigans. “There’s no fucking fuel until Monday. There was a sign on the door.”
“Are you kidding me?”
He shook his head without making eye contact.
She groaned and proceeded with an adult version of a tantrum. “What the fuck! What the fucking fuck! Why the fuck did mom make me follow you? This planet is a primitive bug-filled mudball!”
“Yeah,” he said with a sneer. “Dad always has me do the surveys on undeveloped shitholes like this. He’s making me ‘pay my dues’ or some shit. Why did Gretchen send you after me, anyway? If she was trying to get you out of her hair we could have just flown from the house together.”
She shook her head in exasperation. “Believe me—I sure as fuck didn’t want to have to fly through that causeway all by myself. Like, the second you took off she says, ‘Oh Julie, go follow him! We should build a vacation house there.’ I’m like, are you kidding me? She kept insisting. Apparently this planet was some exclusive mega camping resort. She wants to be able to brag that we own a house here.”
“Don’t we own enough houses? When the hell do we even go to the vacation house on Europa?”
She examined her manicured nails. “I know, right?”
Jerald scanned the terrain with the remains of a scowl. “You should tell Gretchen it’s a bad idea. There’s always a reason when prices drop like this. The only thing I could find was something about some virus. A sex virus.”
Julie’s jaw dropped open.
“A bunch of campers got sick and since they were minors they wouldn’t release the details to the press. Just ‘undisclosed sexual symptoms.’”
Julie hugged her bare arms. “If that’s true then I sure as fuck don’t want to be here.”
Jerald shrugged. “You can wait in your cruiser. I have to go to the lakebed and take mineral samples. If I don’t at least get that done Dad’s going to have my ass.” He hoisted a bag of gear onto his shoulder.
“There’s a lake?”
Jerald focused on the map on his tablet. “Uh huh.”
“Then I can at least go swimming. I shouldn’t have to suffer the entire fricking weekend.”
He eyed her. “You brought your…bikini?”
She ignored the suspiciousness of the question. “No. I’ll just swim with what I have on.”
He headed over an inclining trail. “Follow along if you want. Just don’t slow me down.”
Julie kicked off her boots and threw on slippers. She caught up with him just as they crested a gully. A sparkling green lake appeared before them with layers of blue and purple mountains as a backdrop.
“Holy shit,” Julie said.
“Meh.” He led the way onward with a faster stride. “Hurry up. And pull your strap back up.”
She realized one lace strap had dropped over her shoulder during the hike. It wasn’t a big deal. Her shapely breasts hadn’t fallen out, but of course the perv had to comment. It wasn’t like she’d complained about his open shirt flashing pecs and a sexy pack of abs.
“You shouldn’t notice things like that, bro.”
“Puh. It’s obvious you want me to notice. You need to cut it out with the ‘you’re my big brother, I can dress slutty around you cuz it’s hot’ crap.”
“Excuse me?”
“Whatever. You hop around me all day in your bikini at the house and I can’t say boo. But I’m fucking trying to get work done here.”
She restrained a wicked smile. “What? You think I’m hot, Jerry? You want to fuck me?”
“I wouldn’t say no.”
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